Friday, August 2, 2024

Cisco Firepower FX-OS show tech-support

We've encountered an outage in our Cisco FPR 2100 High Availability (HA) pair running ASA OS. The Primary ASA firewall crashed or auto reload and didn't failover properly to the Secondary ASA firewall. I also had to reload the Secondary ASA firewall in order for HA to synchronize.

Aside from the usual show tech-support in the ASA command, Cisco TAC will ask for the show tech-support fprm detail output (GZ archive file), which can be generated from the FX-OS CLI. This saves time in troubleshooting and would allow TAC to further investigate using their internal database.

Based on the FX-OS show tech, the auto reload was due to a memory bug CSCwk27830. TAC recommended to perform an ASA OS upgrade using the known fixed release.

Threadname: **lina**

| Rip: ****

| Version: **9.xx**

| Hardware: **FPR-21xx**

| 0x00000000019862b8 : ikev2_copy_ike_policy+216 at ikev2/granite/ikev2/core/policy/ikev2_policy.c:1677

| 0x00000000019c1144 : ikev2_initiate_sa+476 at ikev2/granite/ikev2/core/ikev2_sa_management.c:132

| 0x00000000018e300c : asa_connect_continue+136 at ikev2/ikev2_asa_connect.c:663

| 0x000000000193f214 : asa_spi_mgt_callback+1060 at ikev2/ikev2_spi_mgt.c:666

| 0x000000000193dcc0 : ikev2_pitcher+328 at ikev2/ikev2_pitcher.c:880

| 0x000000000193a768 : IKEv2ProcessMsg+140 at ikev2/ikev2_daemon.c:548

| 0x000000000193c9c4 : Ikev2Daemon+1452 at ikev2/ikev2_daemon.c:343


ciscoasa/pri/act/admin# connect fxos admin
Configuring session.
Connecting to FXOS.
Connected to FXOS. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.

NOTICE: You have connected to the FXOS CLI with admin privileges.
Config commands and commit-buffer are not supported in appliance mode.

Certain components of this software are licensed under the "GNU General Public
License, version 3" provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY under the terms of
"GNU General Public License, Version 3", available here: See User Manual (''Licensing'') for


firepower-2100# connect
  asa         Connect to ASA Application CLI
  local-mgmt  Connect to Local Management CLI

firepower-2120# connect local-mgmt
Warning: network service is not available when entering 'connect local-mgmt'
firepower-2120(local-mgmt)# show  
  active-connections     Show active TCP/IP connections
  cli                    CLI Information
  clock                  Clock
  consent-token          consent token
  debug                  Debugging functions
  env                    Show environmental monitoring data
  failsafe-params        Show the failsafe mode configuration
  file                   File Commands
  fxos-mode              Fxos-mode
  lacp                   LACP command
  mgmt-ip-debug          IP Debug Info
  npu-accel              Show NPU accelerator data
  ntp                    NTP Status
  open-network-ports     Show open network ports
  pktmgr                 pktmgr command
  platform-sw-processes  Show the state of platform software processes
  pmon                   Pmon
  portchannel            portchannel command
  portmanager            portmanager command
  processes              Processes
  running-config         Running-config
  software               Software
  sshkey                 Sshkey
  tech-support           Tech Support
  version                System version

firepower-2100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support
  fprm  FPRM

firepower-2100(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm
  >       Redirect it to a file
  >>      Redirect it to a file in append mode
  brief   Brief
  detail  Detail
  |       Pipe command output to filter

firepower-2120(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail

The show tech output is savedin the ASA flash (disk0:) and can be simply transferred to your PC via ASDM and then upload it to the Cisco Support Case portal.

ciscoasa/pri/act/admin# changeto system
ciscoasa/pri/act# show flash
--#--  --length--  -----date/time------  path
44053  98          Apr 06 2023 07:50:39  log
134673345  4096        Jun 26 2023 05:19:00  log/from_tmp
134673346  145713      Jul 31 2024 17:26:02  log/from_tmp/asa-appagent.log
134673347  0           Jul 22 2024 16:46:23  log/from_tmp/asa-fxos_xml.log


134217933  17421854    Jul 30 2024 05:41:58  fxos/20240730054152_firepower-2100_FPRM.tar.gz


21475885056 bytes total (20623392768 bytes free)

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