Friday, September 14, 2018

Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW)

There's an online tool called Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) which quickly gives an estimate price (in US Dollars) on various Cisco products. This would aid Cisco reseller, IT and Project Managers create quotes and build their Bill of Materials (BOM). You can access the CCW tool by going to > Partners > Partner Tools > Deals, Quotes, Orders (CCW). A CCO login is required and here's a useful user guide for this tool.

Type under Search for Product or SKU (in this case ASA5525)

Click + to add item.

The main difference between a K8 and K9 device is the encryption license support. The K8 bundle supports a "weak" or base encryption license (DES) swhile K9 bundle supports a stronger encryption license (3DES/AES).

Clicked + on ASA5525-K9 and the selected item will appear on the right.

Click + on L-ASA-SC-5= (5 Security Context License) then click Add on the right in order to check out and CCW will give an estimated total price.

To perform a search again, click Find Products & Solutions.

To remove an item, click under a specific item > More Actions > Remove Line.