Wednesday, January 8, 2025

FortiGate Direct Firmware Upgrade

You can "safely" upgrade the FortiOS directly to the target firmware code if it's brand new and since it still has a default configuration. You only follow the upgrade path if there's an existing configuration and the upgrade process will handle the changes in the command line or features (if there's any).

I upgraded a brand new standalone FortiGate and it was shipped with a default 6.4 firmware.

FortiGate-xxF login: admin


You are forced to change your password. Please input a new password.

New Password:

Confirm Password:



FortiGate-xxF # get system status

Version: FortiGate-xxF v6.4.4,build5543,201214 (GA)

Firmware Signature: certified

Virus-DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)

Extended DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)

IPS-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

IPS-ETDB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

APP-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

Serial-Number: FGxxFT923901234

IPS Malicious URL Database: 1.00001(2015-01-01 01:01)

BIOS version: 05000011

System Part-Number: P25132-01

Log hard disk: Available

Hostname: FortiGate-xxF

Private Encryption: Disable

Operation Mode: NAT

Current virtual domain: root

Max number of virtual domains: 10

Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode

Virtual domain configuration: disable

FIPS-CC mode: disable

Current HA mode: standalone

Branch point: 1803

Release Version Information: GA

FortiOS x86-64: Yes


I uploaded the target firmware and the direct upgrade only took around 4 minutes to complete. I proceeded with the configuration afterwards.


FortiGate-xxF # get system status

Version: FortiGate-xxF v7.xx,buildxx (GA.M)

Security Level: 2

Firmware Signature: certified

Virus-DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)

Extended DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)

AV AI/ML Model: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)

IPS-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

IPS-ETDB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

APP-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

FMWP-DB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)

INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)

IPS Malicious URL Database: 1.00001(2015-01-01 01:01)

IoT-Detect: 0.00000(2022-08-17 17:31)

Serial-Number: FGxxFT923901234

BIOS version: 05000011

System Part-Number: P25132-01

Log hard disk: Available

Hostname: FortiGate-xxF

Private Encryption: Disable

Operation Mode: NAT

Current virtual domain: root

Max number of virtual domains: 10

Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode

Virtual domain configuration: disable

FIPS-CC mode: disable

Current HA mode: standalone

Branch point: 1706

Release Version Information: GA

FortiOS x86-64: Yes

System time: Mon Oct  7 03:14:05 2024

Last reboot reason: warm reboot